Monday, August 20, 2012

A Little Night Light

I haven't posted any pics in a while because there hasn't been a lot of work done lately.  The kitchen counter was poured the week before last and it's been given a lot of setup and cure time.  We're waiting on an inspection of the sink area, then the forms should come off and the counter polished and finished.

The rest of the lighting has been installed and the power turned on.  There are accent lights on the three birch trees and some task lighting over the dining, living, and kitchen areas.  We plan to add more accent lighting in the future, but this is it for now.  I've taken some pics at night/twilight to show the lighting and the counter top.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finishing the Deck

All of the wooden surfaces have been cleaned, sanded, and oiled and the color and grain of the ipe really pops.  All that's left is pouring the countertop and finishing the kitchen, so it's looking like another week and a-half.

Begin the Finish

All of the wood surfaces are now being sanded and oiled.  These are good before and after shots to show the difference the oil makes.  The planters have been finished and the deck has been sanded and is ready for the finish.