Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Planters Take Form

The planters have started to take form on the east side of the terrace.  They are framed and sheathed with plywood.  They will eventually be clad in ipe, the same wood used for the decking, but in narrower widths.  The larger area of the planter will support one of the three birch trees.  
We expect the decking on the west side to be finished tomorrow (have I said this before?).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Decking on the Curve

The decking has now reached the curve on the east side and it's easier to visualize the finished product. Should only be a day or so until the entire deck is finished.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Decking continued 3

The fourth day of decking was stopped a little short by rain, but they were able to get about the daily average of decking installed.  There should be a larger crew here on Monday to finish it up. Construction of the planters begins after that.  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Bit of Decking

The crew has started installing the decking.  This is one of the things we've been waiting to see and we can't wait until it's done.  They started by banding the edge, then began putting down full boards under the pergola.  With all of the angles and curves there is a lot of measuring and cutting.

The banding is running vertical because of the unevenness of the deck due to leveling. 

Overhead shots.

Hidden fasteners - no screws poking up.

Nice job cutting around that post!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Leveling the Deck

The crew was back today after a 1 week hiatus for rain.  We have only sunny days in the forecast, so we expect (hope) to see some real progress over the next week, or so.  They worked today leveling the deck which was put down last week.  Our terrace drains toward the middle, so the deck needs to be raised in the middle to level.  They also ran irrigation tubing and wiring through the deck framing.

Stay tuned.  We should have more dramatic pictures soon!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Framing the Deck

We've had some visible progress this week.  Once the pergola posts were sealed the carpenters came in and started framing the deck.  The pictures give a good indication of the deck outline and placement.  Can't wait to get the decking down.

Overview of the entire terrace with the deck framing in place.

Nice shot of the way the arc wraps the pergola.

Chris inspecting the work!

Shots of the shims used to fine-tune the deck arc.