Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Pergola Rises

The two sides of the pergola were assembled
 and attached today.

The pergola is made of steel tubing.  The top cross members will be cedar.  We'll leave the posts the natural steel.

The posts are attached directly to the roof beneath.
This still needs to be sealed.  Hope it doesn't rain!  

First Couple Days of Construction

Ok, we're finally starting to see some progress. These photos aren't very exciting. They just show some of the new electrical conduit that was run from our circuit panel through two closets and outside to the terrace. But it's still progress.

  This runs about 75% of the way around the edge of the terrace and will supply power for lighting, outlets, and our outdoor kitchen.

There should be more exciting things to look at in the next day or so.  The pergola is being assembled today and tomorrow.  Stand by!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day Two

Sorry, no progress today.  The threat of rain has put a damper on plans for this week.  We'll pick up again next week.  Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!

Shots of the Design

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day One

Day one is finally here!  

After a year of planning, great expectations and a little friction, we're actually getting started.

Our lonely table

All materials are up!